Oxford Modern Primary School

Contact Us

Uganda new-mapOxford Modern Primary School Biguli is located in Kamwenge District in the Rwenzori region of Western Uganda near Kibale National Park.

The school can be contacted through telephone call and by email.

Phone number +256774985242

Email: oxfordmodern43@gmail.com




Oxford Modern Primary School is located in Biguli Kamwenge in the Western Region of Uganda about 240 kilometers from the Uganda’s Capital Kampala. It was founded in 2005 by Mr. Natuhamya Aggrey an educationist in Uganda’s education for long working with parents out of the concern for children especially children from families with a poor background.
???????????????????????????????Oxford Modern Primary School places its emphasis on high-quality affordable education for the rural children. In Uganda children with opportunity and means can get an excellent education, while the majority of children have access to poor schools where educational standards are poor.
At Oxford Modern Primary School we work to improve access and the quality of education supporting Kamwenge communities to achieve their future goals.

???????????????????????????????Since its inception in 2005, Oxford Modern Primary School has worked in Kamwenge district with local guardians and stakeholders to improve educational facilities and the lives of students. However, it still lacks the basic requirements for proper teaching and learning.

The School Mission
To improving the tomorrow of Kamwenge communities through the education of today’s children;
School Vision
DSC05542The school focuses its efforts on access, quality, and success in Ugandan education. The school seeks to support children, families, and their communities in their educational goals and works alongside the existing educational systems with leadership present in local communities.

Educational Access: The school believes that every Kamwenge Child should have access to education. The school identifies potential roadblocks to educational attainment, then provides support, and programs to meet the identified needs and assist individuals in gaining access to education.

Educational Quality: The school believes that every Kamwenge people should participate in and experience high quality education in preparation for the future. The school therefore supports the work of parents and guardians through instruction, assessment, and training to enhance the educational experience.

DSC05514Educational Success: The school believes that every Kamwenge people should have the opportunity to achieve success through education. The school therefore works to increase school completion and attendance rates, decrease failure and dropout rates, and promotes achievement in the Ugandan education.

General Aim of the School
The School’s aim is to help every child who comes to school achieve the highest degree of individual development of which he/she is capable, keeping in mind the needs and values of the society he/she is living in. The school works to stimulate in pupils a sense of pride in their national heritage and culture, a respect for their environment and the ability to observe only the best of other cultures.


Oxford Modern Primary School is located in Biguli Kamwenge in the Western Region of Uganda about 240 kilometers from the Uganda’s Capital Kampala. It was founded in 2005 out of the concern for children especially children from families with a poor background. Oxford Modern Primary School places its emphasis on high-quality affordable education for the rural children. In Uganda children with opportunity and means can get an excellent education, while the majority of children have access to poor schools where educational standards are poor. At Oxford Modern Primary School we work to improve access and the quality of education supporting Kamwenge communities to achieve their future goals.

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