Pre-primary II (4 – 5 Year Olds)

Pre-primary II (4 – 5 Year Olds)
The curriculum of pre-primary I is repeated and reinforced.


Additionally, pupils in pre-primary II practice more number work within 10, e.g. classifying, one to one mapping, sorting and evaluation. By now pupils can write all the numbers up to ten and relate a number to its proper value.

By the end of the year, children are familiar with the sound of each letter of the alphabet in English and they would have received enough practice in learning to form all the letters of the alphabet.

Children are prepared for “Reading Readiness”. Pictures and work-books provide material for conversation, and encourage the child’s observational technique and hand/eye co-ordination. Pictures stimulate and extend children’s language development.


Spoken English
Children are encouraged to speak in English about various topics in order to promote a growing ability in listening and speaking. Hence the importance of storytelling, where children learn to listen to a story and later talk about what they would have listened to;

Nursery rhymes are sung and acted, using either a piano or a cassette recorder. This gives opportunities for movement, response to commands such as clapping to rhythm, singing of nursery rhymes and learning of simple action songs from music available.

Through nursery rhymes and songs, children also develop their language. A concert is held every year. This allows the children to express their talents and creativity in music and drama.

Oxford Modern Primary School Biguli (5)

Physical Education
Simple exercises, running on the spot, jumping, stretching, etc; Different ways of moving our body: fast, slow, high and low etc. Imitation of animals and things around us: galloping, hopping, flying etc.

All this work is done in an atmosphere of play and fun. Learning becomes an enjoyable event and hence our children are introduced to the later world of formal learning in the most enjoyable of ways.

We feel that parents should play a vital role in their children’s education and progress; therefore we try to establish close ties and co-operation between the school and the home environment.


While lots of things are important, we need to hone in on the few factors that make a big difference in learning, such as motivating our teachers and holding them accountable, and creating an environment for children that is engaging and interactive. All these are possible; there is clear evidence of success from within the school.

Oxford Modern Primary School helps Parents and the Community to share experiences and knowledge about education through village meetings and school meetings and other meetings as friends of learning.


Working with parents and guardians; we teach our children how to learn
Once children learn how to learn, nothing is going to narrow their mind. The purpose of education is to replace an empty, closed mind with an open one. Parents, volunteers, teachers, community leaders, and friends of learning are called upon to engage in the learning of the children. Educating a child is an honor to the Nation, community, village, Family and the child.


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