Specific aims of the school

Oxford Modern Primary School Biguli (3)To make the school children happy at school; if children are happy in their environment, their minds will be at peace and hence open to learning and receptive to new ideas.

To provide an all-round education; the whole child is considered to be important i.e. the physical, mental, emotional and moral aspect is emphasized. All this provides a strong foundation that will later help pupils become eager students, self-confident and able to interact favorably with each other and with adults, both at school and in other communities.


To make them aware of their needs and the needs of others

At the Primary Level, children are taught how to learn and solve problems on their own by experiencing things themselves. A good use of visual aids and educational toys help make learning more effective and interesting. Homework is given to reinforce what is done in class.

DSC05495Children are continuously assessed throughout their process of education which introduces and reinforces concepts and activities as the children go from one stage to another. All the staff works as a team so as to ensure continuity and balance between the cognitive, socio-affective and motor skills. A child’s introduction to school is of utmost importance, as these first impressions may well influence the rest of the child’s life.

Playgroups (2 – 3 Year Olds)
The school believes that this class is an extension of the family, with the added advantage that children can interact with each other.

Oxford Modern Primary School Biguli (8)

In the playgroup, children learn nursery rhymes, simple prayers and various simple tasks. They play with educational toys, all leading to the gradual development of the motor skills, they integrate in groups and thus they learn how to share, wait, obey, etc. All this helps the child to adapt itself to a life in society.


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